Hey guys! I have a lot planned for this week. But one of the things I have started is going to really help you guys. I have started a page where you can ask me questions and I will respond to alot of questions in a video response on YouTube! The page can be found at http://www.techhype.co/ask-me
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Ask Me Questions!

Should You Jailbreak your iDevice?
Hey guys, Today I want to talk about jailbreaking Now I have jailbroken all of my Apple devices. And to be honest, there are many pros and cons of jailbreaking. So, first, the cons. First of all, when you jailbreak, your warranty is taken off your iDevice. So make sure that you fix your device with your warrenty before you jailbreak. Also, every once in a while your device will crash out of the blue. This can get very bothersome s when the device reboots, it goes straight into safe mode. So then you have to restart the device again just because it crashed. The last con about jailbreaking is re-springing your device. If you thought crashing was bad, you really won't like this. Every single time you want a new theme or most tweaks, you have to restart your device. Although this is bad, at least you are getting something new. And that leads us into the first pro of jailbreaking. That is the fact that your device is completely customization. If you want iOS to look like android, you can do that. The possibilities are endless. Another good thing about jailbreaking is getting free stuff. Although you have to pick and choose on what you really should do and shouldn't, you can get things for free. But no matter if you are broke, or you just want to save, you can get things like apps and in-app purchases on your device. You can also add repo sources to Cydia and get anything on Cydia for free. The last pro about jailbreaking is tweaks. This does fit in with the endless customization, but is a little different. Tweaks allow you to do things like add widgets and change the app page screen transition. You can do many other things to make your iDevice feel more like your own. Your friends and family will most likely ask how you made your device so cool. It is your decision on telling them how or not. Thank you for reading my article on whether or not you should jailbreak you iDevice. Please visit my website www.techhype.co, follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hunter.duffy.79
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Hey guys, I am extremely sorry about all of the confusion this weekend. To sum it all up quickly, I had to go to an important thing for my friend. It also just so happened to be from 5:00 until midnight. I promise next saturday, the fourth. But to make up for this, I am planning an iPhone case giveaway. Any ideas? Comment below. Please visit my website www.techhype.co, follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hunter.duffy.79
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Google Glass "Uses"
Hey guys, ever since the Google Glass was announced, people have been creating quite a stir. So today I am here to discuss why I would use Glass, and what I would use it for. First, i'll start with why. I think google glass is the next leap into the future. Some people think even though this is a major innovation, it looks stupid. But honestly, people need to put two and two together and realize that styles can change and that this could be the next "cool" thing. But me personally, would not mind because I wear glasses. But that would only apply if they made a "clip-on" version. Or at least prescription versions of them. But The major question is why. Why would you need glass and how would it improve your life? For me, I would use it as a phone but hands free. That way I can pull up pictures when drawing, get directions when walking places, and pull up recipes when cooking. I really like the idea of this innovation. But as we all know, no offense to Apple, but Apple will attempt to make a copy. Or wearable technology, like the iWatch. What do you guys think? comment below. Please visit my website www.techhype.co, follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hunter.duffy.79
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Going Live Giveaway
Hey guys! I am glad to announce that on Saturday I will be going live on Ustream During this live stream I will be doing "6 Hour Indies". At the end I will announce ten winners (5 from YouTube and 5 from here). These winners will get a free copy of the game. So comment "6 Hour Winner" to instantly be entered to win a digital copy of the game. Spread the word and I hope you win!
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Lenovo IdeaPad z580 Review
Hey guys, recently, for my birthday, I received the Lenovo IdeaPad z580. I have used it for close to a week now and I am going to share my honest opinion. First off, the specs. This laptop is running an Intel core i5 processor with 8 gigs of ram and a 750 gig hard drive. It comes with a 15.6 inch display and is loaded with windows 8 home premium. I has 3 USB 3.0 and 2 USB 2.0 ports and a Dolby home theater sound system. Okay, now that I got that out of the way, it is review time. I instantly started the laptop up with the included pre-charged battery. Setup time is very short (around 10-15 minutes). After getting setup, I came face to face with windows 8 for the first time in person. To be honest, windows 8 is very confusing. But luckily I knew how to get to desktop mode. Desktop mode actually makes the "Windows 7" experience better. The first thing I would like to note about the laptop that made me happy is the full keyboard. Although some keys aren't as big as a regular keyboard, Lenovo managed to fit in a complete numpad. Also, the keys seem to be perfectly spaced apart. Although, when playing games like Minecraft, the space bar seems a little closer than I feel comfortable. But, yet again, I have big hands. The first thing I did once I had my computer setup is download some games. Now, these weren't the greatest quality games, (surgeon simulator, euro truck simulator, etc.) but I ran them on high quality graphics and they ran smooth. Also the "Touch Pad" is very nice but like all track pads, aren't the best for gaming. But you can't have good gameplay without good sound, right? Well, you're in luck. This laptop's Dolby Home Theater sound system is amazing. Whether you watching simple YouTube videos, or high definition movies, Dolby delivers. Sometimes, I even choose not to use headphones when I normally would because I enjoy the amazing sound this laptop has to offer. Lastly, at first I was worried that this laptop would not have the best battery life. And while it doesn't have the best, I got around 3.5 to 4 hours of battery life on this. And that is from mostly gaming, video editing, and video watching. So if you are looking to just browse the web, you could squeeze out 4.5 hours out of a single charge.The battery does charge quite fast though. Around an hour for me. But my charger is normally plugged into an outlet extension the that has various other chargers plugged into it. So, that is my review on the Lenovo IdeaPad z580. I hope you enjoyed and please subscribe, +1, and give me feedback. Please visit my website www.techhype.co, follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco, and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ hunter.duffy.79
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My Own Domain?
Yes. It is here! I am very exited to announce that techhype.co is officially mine! Please visit www.techhype.co Also, could you please take a quick moment to leave feedback. It helps me. And by doing that, I can start new things like giveaways!
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Update for Good or for Worse. You Decide
Hey guys, I know I haven't been talking about tech much but I wanted to get this out. Tomorrow is my birthday! And have asked for a laptop. What I am trying to get at here is that with a laptop, I can be more productive. But here, we run into another problem. I have decided to write more of quality than quantity. So from now on, I will be posting major articles on tuesdays and fridays. But don't worry. I will be posting smaller "un-scheduled" ones throughout the week. I hope you guys understand. Comment any ideas you have. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco, and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ hunter.duffy.79
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6 Hour Indies
Hey guys, I have thought of a new idea. I will be doing one every month or every other month. I call it "6 Hour Indies". This will be where I live stream and have six hours to make a game. I will be making the game in Scratch.I know it is a watered down version of actually coding, but I have found ways around that. And this also allows me to work faster. Also, at the end of each, I will give the game away to 10 viewers. If you don't win, you can just pay $1 to get the download. I hope you like my idea. Also, if you like my blogs, please do whatever you can to share this. I know people ask this a lot. But I need exposure. And if you think, one person can give me three more viewers and those viewers can get me three each and so on and so on. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hunter.duffy.79
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iPad Mini With Retina Display
Hey guys, lately I have been think about the "highly" anticipated iPad Mini with a retina display. I see people using the iPad Mini every day. And lots of them. So if apple comes out with a better iPad Mini, it will sell out almost instantly. But first I want to say something I do not want at all on the next iPad Mini. That is an stupid name. When we saw the iPad third generation, Apple was calling it "The New iPad". At first I thought that this was just going to be the "nickname" for this iPad. But when I got mine, the box said "The New iPad". The second I saw this, I was in a little bit of shock. That is why the next iPad mini should be called something like "The iPad Mini 2". Although that is a pretty long name, it is still more understandable. Okay, now for the things I want in the next iPad Mini. The first is for it to be available in different colors. This would bring in more buyers because you don't need to buy a case or skin to give it a color. It would also make the iPad look nicer. The next thing it needs is a better camera. The iPad mini needs to be able to have the capabilities of the regular iPad. Therefore, it would need a better camera. This camera would also allow you to take nice pictures on a tablet without looking "intimidating". The last thing the next iPad Mini needs is to be faster. Although, we can expect this. In every next generation apple product, there is a faster processor. But this processor (whatever Apple decides to put in it) should be able to handle the pictures it is taking, and the games it is playing. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Pros and Cons
Samsung's new 8 inch tablet, the Galaxy Note 8 is really making a name for itself. The fact that it is competing with the iPad mini is also another great thing. So before I get into this new tablet, I would just like to state that these are my first impressions on this device. Ok, now that we have that out of my way, we can start. I will start with the cons so you are left with a good taste of this tablet. The first of only a few is the price point. at $400 for the base model, you better have a good reason to use this. With the base iPad mini coming out at around $50 cheaper, this could drive buyers away from the Note 8. That is really the only major con about this product. So now for the pros. First off, if you buy the cell service enabled note, the tablet ships with a built in phone. Now although you would look very, very intimidating walking around with a giant "phone", I think this is an interesting feature. Another good thing about it is that it runs Android. Now this will not be quite a shock to some, I find this interesting. This is one of the first iPad mini competitors that runs a well maintained o
OS. That is why if I do purchase the Galaxy Note 8, I will be looking forward to using the android interface. Thank you for reading! What are your thoughts on the Note 8? Leave them in the comments. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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OS. That is why if I do purchase the Galaxy Note 8, I will be looking forward to using the android interface. Thank you for reading! What are your thoughts on the Note 8? Leave them in the comments. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
Not Going To NY
Hey guys just a quick update. If you saw my Youtube video about packing. My plans got moved around and I can't go. This is bad for me because I can't go, but also good for me and you because I can create more content for you guys! I hope you understand. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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Xbox 720 Wants and Needs
Hey guys, I quickly just want to talk about what I want on the Xbox 720. First off, I want it to have free online, like PSN (play station network). I think this will attract buyers because it's way easier and cheap to play with your friends and others over the Internet. Also the games would get more Revenue because of the more online plays buying DLC. Another thing I would like on the Xbox 720 would be cloud gaming. I know that this would be a large investment of time and money, but I feel cloud gaming is easier. The only bad thing about it is you need wifi and the cloud servers need to be running 24/7. But to help with those problems, they should just add a disc tray. The last thing the Xbox 720 needs is to be very, very small. This could be achieved y cloud gaming, and would help it co,pete with new game systems like the game stick. I hope you enjoyed my short article on the Xbox 720. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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New Youtube Channel Layout Rant
Hey guys. Normally, I would talk about the pros and cons of something. But today i'm hereto rant about the new Youtube channel layout. I honestly thinkt it is disgusting and youtube has really done us wrong. First, its impossible to find things. Ok, so the other day, I was on a youtube channel trying to get to their unboxings playlist. But, as I got onto their channel, I could not find playlists! It actually took me around 10 minutes just to find their playlist. A simple pleasure turned into a job within minutes. Also, you can't have a banner or profile picture smaller than a certain size. I'm sorry I cant recall the size right now but it was pretty big for a banner. I tried to just start up www.youtube.com/techhypeco (please subscribe, it's free) and it took me around a half hour to reformat everything. If you work for youtube or know someone who does, please fix this. NOW. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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iOS 7 Wants
hey guys, I want to talk quickly about iOS 7. The first thing I want is widgets. I am tired of having to download an app or going online to get simple info without jailbreaking. I just want to have the option of downloading a free weather widget to put on my lock screen. Another thing I would like would be themes. This is another thing that you can get from jailbreaking. But some people don't want to or cant jailbreak. Even if some were paid. But not cheap ones. On cydia, I see many really bad themes. I just would like people to put thought into making a theme. The last thing I would like is being able to save .GIF files and set them as wallpapers. This would add more customization and would increase the use of iOS. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco
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