iPad Mini With Retina Display
Hey guys, lately I have been think about the "highly" anticipated iPad Mini with a retina display. I see people using the iPad Mini every day. And lots of them. So if apple comes out with a better iPad Mini, it will sell out almost instantly. But first I want to say something I do not want at all on the next iPad Mini. That is an stupid name. When we saw the iPad third generation, Apple was calling it "The New iPad". At first I thought that this was just going to be the "nickname" for this iPad. But when I got mine, the box said "The New iPad". The second I saw this, I was in a little bit of shock. That is why the next iPad mini should be called something like "The iPad Mini 2". Although that is a pretty long name, it is still more understandable. Okay, now for the things I want in the next iPad Mini. The first is for it to be available in different colors. This would bring in more buyers because you don't need to buy a case or skin to give it a color. It would also make the iPad look nicer. The next thing it needs is a better camera. The iPad mini needs to be able to have the capabilities of the regular iPad. Therefore, it would need a better camera. This camera would also allow you to take nice pictures on a tablet without looking "intimidating". The last thing the next iPad Mini needs is to be faster. Although, we can expect this. In every next generation apple product, there is a faster processor. But this processor (whatever Apple decides to put in it) should be able to handle the pictures it is taking, and the games it is playing. Please visit my website www.techhype.weebly.com (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, www.twitter.com/techhypeco , and friend me on Facebook www.facebook.com/techhypeco

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