Should You Jailbreak your iDevice?
Hey guys, Today I want to talk about jailbreaking Now I have jailbroken all of my Apple devices. And to be honest, there are many pros and cons of jailbreaking. So, first, the cons. First of all, when you jailbreak, your warranty is taken off your iDevice. So make sure that you fix your device with your warrenty before you jailbreak. Also, every once in a while your device will crash out of the blue. This can get very bothersome s when the device reboots, it goes straight into safe mode. So then you have to restart the device again just because it crashed. The last con about jailbreaking is re-springing your device. If you thought crashing was bad, you really won't like this. Every single time you want a new theme or most tweaks, you have to restart your device. Although this is bad, at least you are getting something new. And that leads us into the first pro of jailbreaking. That is the fact that your device is completely customization. If you want iOS to look like android, you can do that. The possibilities are endless. Another good thing about jailbreaking is getting free stuff. Although you have to pick and choose on what you really should do and shouldn't, you can get things for free. But no matter if you are broke, or you just want to save, you can get things like apps and in-app purchases on your device. You can also add repo sources to Cydia and get anything on Cydia for free. The last pro about jailbreaking is tweaks. This does fit in with the endless customization, but is a little different. Tweaks allow you to do things like add widgets and change the app page screen transition. You can do many other things to make your iDevice feel more like your own. Your friends and family will most likely ask how you made your device so cool. It is your decision on telling them how or not. Thank you for reading my article on whether or not you should jailbreak you iDevice. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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