Google Glass "Uses"
Hey guys, ever since the Google Glass was announced, people have been creating quite a stir. So today I am here to discuss why I would use Glass, and what I would use it for. First, i'll start with why. I think google glass is the next leap into the future. Some people think even though this is a major innovation, it looks stupid. But honestly, people need to put two and two together and realize that styles can change and that this could be the next "cool" thing. But me personally, would not mind because I wear glasses. But that would only apply if they made a "clip-on" version. Or at least prescription versions of them. But The major question is why. Why would you need glass and how would it improve your life? For me, I would use it as a phone but hands free. That way I can pull up pictures when drawing, get directions when walking places, and pull up recipes when cooking. I really like the idea of this innovation. But as we all know, no offense to Apple, but Apple will attempt to make a copy. Or wearable technology, like the iWatch. What do you guys think? comment below. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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