New Youtube Channel Layout Rant
Hey guys. Normally, I would talk about the pros and cons of something. But today i'm hereto rant about the new Youtube channel layout. I honestly thinkt it is disgusting and youtube has really done us wrong. First, its impossible to find things. Ok, so the other day, I was on a youtube channel trying to get to their unboxings playlist. But, as I got onto their channel, I could not find playlists! It actually took me around 10 minutes just to find their playlist. A simple pleasure turned into a job within minutes. Also, you can't have a banner or profile picture smaller than a certain size. I'm sorry I cant recall the size right now but it was pretty big for a banner. I tried to just start up (please subscribe, it's free) and it took me around a half hour to reformat everything. If you work for youtube or know someone who does, please fix this. NOW. Please visit my website (getting custom domain soon), follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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