Best Place to Shop on the Internet?
Hey guys, This topic came up to me about a week ago, but I did not think it was too important. But, after reviewing it, I noticed this could help a lot of people, and hopefully you! The question is "where should I shop online?" I am here to give you my opinions on which I think is the best website to shop on. Now, I know this question seems a little stupid. But, have you ever thought about getting scammed? Also, where are the best deals at. I am going to start off with where you could get scammed. The first well-known place to be scammed would be Craigslist. If you have never used Craigslist, it is a website where people can post listings on things you would like to sell. The problem with this is people can post anything from fake items to stolen goods. Although, Craigslist sellers do sell legit things, it is easier to be scammed. The next place you can be scammed is eBay. Except, getting scammed on eBay is a little different. Sometimes, you can get a package containing something you don't want, those problems can be resolved easily. On eBay, the way you can get scammed is by miss paying. Some people will try to make something bad seem good. When people see that something is an amazing price, they bid. The problem is, that starting price was too high for the item. The reason it seemed good is because the seller put false information about the item. After the first bid is placed, others will see the "amazing" price and bid even more. After the bids get very high, somebody will win. That person who wins will get the scam. So, getting to the best. Although, you will easily be able to guess my favorite place to shop online, I am going to make you exited to use it. So, with that said, my favorite online shop is (drum role) Amazon. I find Amazon to be amazing! You can trust every seller to give you exactly or almost exactly what you want. Also, Amazon has special programs like Amazon Prime. Amazon also sells things like digital music, movies, and apps (for Android). I just feel that Amazon really loves their customers and that is why we see things like the Kindle. If you have never used Amazon, I highly suggest that you go and use it for your next online purchase. You will instantly realize that you save tons of money when shopping on Amazon. So, what is your favorite online store? Comment below. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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