Vizio (Yahoo Controlled) Smart TV
Hey guys, I have been thinking this over for quite a while. But I know feel I know enough to talk to you guys about it today. Getting to the point, today I would like to talk to you about Vizio's smart TV operating system. So, whether you are looking into getting a smart TV, you already have one, or you are just curious about them, this is the article for you! When I got my smart TV I was a little confused with the OS. But it didn't take long to figure out. The OS is pretty nice. To open up the "home" menu, you need to press the "V" button (on Vizio models. OS varies by company). When you press this button, a little menu pops up from the bottom of the screen. In this "tray" you can find all of your apps. One of the only problems with this tray is if you have lots of apps, it takes a while to find the one you want. Also, there is a little bit of lag, but not too much. Before you enter apps, you need to download them. This is probably the biggest downside of the OS. Because the app store is run by Yahoo, there are only just under 150 apps. And many aren't even useful. But some are good like Pandora, YouTube, Twitter, etc. When your apps are downloaded, you can find them in the tray. Most apps will open in a small widget so you may do basic tasks while still watching TV. But you can easily find a button that opens the full application. Unfortunately, some apps are widget or full screen only. While inside applications, they run very smoothly, Without much lag. Also, well known apps such as YouTube run in perfect HD. The TV has very good WiFi but that varies with your TV and your router. But as long as you are fairly close to your router, you should have smooth feed back. That is all I have to say about the Vizio smart TV interface. Comment your thoughts. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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