Get Apps For Free?
Hey guys, I have found out a way to leagly get iOS and Android apps for free. It is called FreeMyApps. Basicly to sum it up, you download free apps provided by FreeMyApps. After they download, you need to open up the app and tap around for at least thirty seconds. This gives you time to see whether or not you really like the app. When you are done, FreeMyApps uses you device's unique code to see that you downloaded and ran the app for thirty seconds. Once that happens, you get points. Points can vary with the apps but mostly stay around 100 points per app. You can get many things but a $10 iTunes gift card is only 3000 points. Seems like alot, but points add up quickjly. Other things you can get range from amazon gift cards to Xbox gift cards and more! The only downside is you need a US iTunes account to use it. But you should still be able to get the other gift cards! Overall I think this service is great because you don't need to jailbreak, its free, and you can get any application. Comment your thoughts.Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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