Windows 8 Review and Opinions
Hey guys, while we are on the topic of Microsoft this week, I thought it would be a good time to give a review on Windows 8. To start off, I don't really use the Windows 8 tile interface. I mostly use the desktop mode and to be honest, I hate the Windows 8 interface. But, there are a few good things. So, before I bore you, I will discuss the pros and cons of Windows 8. To start, the cons. The tile interface makes it hard to find what you are looking for. Sometimes, a tile will change and look completely different. This gets a little annoying when trying to find something quickly. Another con is the fact that when you have many programs, the interface just gets too messy. You can't really change the size of the tiles. So, you get the tiles that come with windows 8 that are their own size and have their own pictures. And then, you have many little one tile programs that make the interface look very messy. The last con is things get in your way. What I mean by this is whenever you accidentally move your mouse into any corner, you get pop-up menus that get in you way. This gets very annoying while trying to view things like articles. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, here are the pros. My first pro is the desktop mode reminds me of Windows 7 but with a big improvement. I love the more basic design. Also, it is faster. The next pro is it is easy to set up things like dual monitors. When I wanted to install my second monitor, I thought it was going to be very hard. But, after only about 3 minutes of looking I easily found it. Settings are easily found and are also a lot easier to find then Windows 7. The last pro about Windows 8 is I love that they added desktop mode. I honestly don't know what I would do without desktop mode. It is just like Windows 7 but majorly improved. I also like how I can have the option ov switching between what feels like 2 different OSs. Comment your thoughts below. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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