Next Xbox Console? (Opinions and Wants)
Hey guys, so if you have been to your Xbox 360 dashboard lately you might have seen something rather, interesting. And that is a sign that reads "XBOX, A New Generation Revealed" in big print. Well, we have been expecting this for a while. And if you have not put two and two together, this means a new Xbox console. This is going to be amazing. But before I go too in depth of what I want, I just wanted to say that is a big relief to see that it has been almost 4 years since the release of the Xbox 360. Okay, now things I want. To be honest, I don't have high expectations for this new Xbox. After all, we know Microsoft will probably do their best to release what we want. But one thing that would be nice is if it were smaller. Think of something as small as the GameStick. Most people want a smaller device that can play high quality games. That leads me into my next want. This new Xbox should have a faster processor and graphics card. It should be able to beat things like the GameStick in terms of graphics and speed. The last thing I want is a comfortable controller. Not many people think of this, but it makes the games "that" much better if your hands aren't moving around like you trying to sleep on the night before your birthday. It should have good grip, yet also have comfortable pads. So, those are my thoughts on Microsoft's new Xbox. On Friday I will continue talking about this as that is when this new Xbox is said to be released What do you think? Comment below. Please visit my website, follow me on Twitter, , and friend me on Facebook

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